As a teenager/young adult, you don’t carry a credit card around you all the time. Money can be a little tight and a minimum wage job just isn’t going to help you get those cute Steve Maddens you’ve been eyeing for a month. Thankfully, stores like Forever 21 understand the budget crunch of our age and realize that by providing cheap clothing items that are still hot in style.
Forever 21 is a store geared towards ages 14-26, give or take. They have a great selection of all different styles, preppy, punk, edgy, and girly and you can get quite overwhelmed in the big department store. The styles are usually still very fashion forward and many times you can find a mock of something that was seen on the runway. With that in mind, the pricing of all the items are very reasonable. Many times you can find a shirt for $10 and a jacket for $20 and that’s if it’s not on sale! I love to shop for jewelry at Forever 21 because it is super cheap and the quality isn’t bad either. The necklaces usually range from $8-15 at most, while other jewelry stores like Francesca’s and Charming Charlie’s usually range from $15-20. My only problem is that the rings are a bit on the cheap side, the gold covering the rings usually rust or turn bad, but it did only cost you $4! I would just make sure to only wear them every so often so it doesn’t rust as easily. I also love to shop at Forever 21 for nail polish. Yes, it doesn’t seem like Forever 21 should be known for their nail polish, but I think it’s one of their best products! The polishes are usually $2.50 (extremely cheap) and they come in a variety of different colors. The polish itself is very opaque and can stay on for about 4 days or so, depending on if you applied a top coat. For only $2.50, I think it’s so worth it!
As for Forever 21 clothing, I do think they sell very unique
and wearable fashion items. I love to go there and look for something I have
never seen sold before or something that looks like something extremely
expensive, but doesn’t cost too much! But because of the cheap pricing, Forever
21 material is not as good as high quality stores like Express and Dry Goods. A
shirt can only be worn 3 or 4 times before it looks old and some of their denim
pants shrink easily. That’s why I only like to buy clothes from OFrever 21 that
I know I won’t find anywhere else because if I buy something I wear
consistently, I know it won’t be as new after a couple washes. But if you’re
not a freak about this like I am, then Forever 21 is definitely your go to
store! If you want to see their whole collection, check out their website here
Word Count: 499
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